lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

My presentation

Today is Decembre 20 and I were going to make a presentation. The thruth is that I was very nerve. I was not able to remember all the text, althought I have studied it a lot of.

My presentation about manufacturing plastics are very interesant. I worked in the section of plastics in AIJU the month week and I was able to collect a lot of information.

In conclusion, I am proud of my presentation but I could have done better. I will try to control my nerves next time. My opinion about the subject is satisfactory.

I have enjoyed a lot of this blog and I have learned infinite words and expresions. This blog helped me with the english language and I am satisfied with the result. In summary, I have liked the subject in generally.

Kisses and see you soon.

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

First day of presentations

Hello bloggers! This week, some classmates of English 2 were doing your presentation of the project. The truth, they were very nervous and doubtful. Although, I enjoyed a lot of your presentations.

It had interesting projects. The theme of a project was Formula one, that is very interesting and historical. Also, they were speaking of many personalities from the automobile.

Other group made a presentation about the color psychology. The visuals was of the differents colours, what was very ingenious. They spoke of the different colours (red, orange, yellow...) and they comparing them with diferent things.

I hope to be quiet on Monday, as it is my oral presentation. Above all I want to speak very clear and I give a good impression. After I have finished my presentation I will reassure me.

I congratulate all my colleagues because they did a great job!

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010


The unit five in English 2 is pollution. The last tuesday We were doing reading and comprehension, listening and other things. We were learning a lot of vocabulary and we were practicing exercises.

The pollution is avoidable, but we don't help. It is a problem worldwide and everyone need to be aware.
In addition, pollution causes instability, disorder, harm to the ecosystem. There are a lot of types of pollution.

In the air:

A lot of particles from industrial activities, chemicals, biological materials. These particles cause damage environment, humans...
In addition, air pollution is a the world's worst pollution problems.

Noise pollution:

Noise pollution is very displeasing human. On many ocassions, it produce nauseas and dizziness.
Most noise comes from: Motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise, car alarms, emergency service sirens, mechanical equipment, fireworks, groundskeeping equipment, barking dogs, appliances, electric megaphones...

Water pollution:

This pollution affects plants and organisms, that live in the water.
It is very damaging . Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged in the water.

In conclusion, I can say that we have to control the environment.

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010


Today, it is start the month of December. It is last month of the year. It have a length of 31 days. Most people enjoy holidays in this month.

During this period, there is a very important holiday: Christmas. This festivity have a special day, that is December 25. That day, all families do a family meal and they sing a lot of carols.

In addition, Santa claus visite us and he bring a lot of gifts. All children await Santa claus with enthusiasm. It is a beautiful day for me and I hope to be with all family. I always buy presents for my family.

Also, I dance in the traditional celebrations of my town. It is a important festivity of Ibi. We dance traditional dances and we dress in appropriate clothing. It is a beautiful party and I am delighted to celebrate the history of my town.

Another popular event is "Els enfarinats". On the 28th of December, a group of men joked with the people and full all the Corners Village of flour and eggs.  Every year they come out on TV.