The unit five in English 2 is pollution. The last tuesday We were doing reading and comprehension, listening and other things. We were learning a lot of vocabulary and we were practicing exercises.
The pollution is avoidable, but we don't help. It is a problem worldwide and everyone need to be aware.
In addition, pollution causes instability, disorder, harm to the ecosystem. There are a lot of types of pollution.
In the air:
A lot of particles from industrial activities, chemicals, biological materials. These particles cause damage environment, humans...
In addition, air pollution is a the world's worst pollution problems.
Noise pollution:
Noise pollution is very displeasing human. On many ocassions, it produce nauseas and dizziness.
Most noise comes from: Motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise, car alarms, emergency service sirens, mechanical equipment, fireworks, groundskeeping equipment, barking dogs, appliances, electric megaphones...
Water pollution:
This pollution affects plants and organisms, that live in the water.
It is very damaging . Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged in the water.
In conclusion, I can say that we have to control the environment.